the hr media report 2021

We analysed over 2000 articles across the HR media, uncovering key trends and popular content. Download the report today to discover market insights and best practice within this space.

The previous year has brought about seismic shifts in the HR market - shifts that have been reflected in HR media reporting as well as the topics that journalists and their readers are most keen to hear about.

If you’re a brand looking to gain coverage in the HR media or want to demonstrate industry authority in front of HR buyers, understanding context and market insights is essential.

The opportunities for brands here are huge too. Our research shows that 94% of HR articles feature brands - but this is only achieved by those that know the insights, trends and data that will interest a journalist. To help, we’ve put together a complete analysis of the HR media. 

In this report, we uncover:

  • The most common and highly sought after topics that HR journalists have been reporting about in 2021

  • Subjects, stories and events across 5 need-to-know industry areas that have gained the most coverage

  • Best practice on writing articles for HR publications and impressing HR journalists - including insights from HR journalists on what they’re looking for from brands.

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