4 challenges faced by HR tech and how PR can help

2020 has seen the rise of remote working as well as an explosion of interest in key HR topics. Health and wellbeing, employee engagement, agile working, diversity and inclusion (to name a few) are top of the agenda for business leaders. 

With this, there is increasing interest in HR tech: cloud-based HR software, AI technology, as well as tools that aid employee wellness, training, development and remote working.

And though demand is rising, HR tech has sometimes struggled to connect with its audiences in all the right ways. The tech itself may be great but convincing some HR departments to adopt large changes can be tricky. In fact, PwC’s HR technology survey 2020 revealed that 82% of HR leaders struggle with adoption challenges. Therefore, although HR tech is desirable, the ability and agility of HR teams to transform current systems remains difficult.

Workers use HR technology around a table.

This is why a strong PR strategy is so beneficial - you need to convince HR of the benefits of your tech and demonstrate that your product will efficiently integrate into their team’s systems. Getting this right involves using the right messages in all the right places...

Here’s how PR can help overcome key challenges faced by HR tech:

1. Communicating the intricacies of your HR tech

HR tech has the ability to add real value to organisations - but the ins and outs of this tech need to be well understood in order for the value to shine.

For the ordinary person, understanding the intricacies of new technology can seem a bit daunting and this is why perfecting company messages is key.

With the help of PR, it’s possible to identify what your target markets need to know and the best ways to present this information to convince target audiences. For example, HR audiences like to be educated so your messages should always have an informational theme rather than a promotional one.

PR strategist communicates ideas whilst gesturing next to phone and laptop

Successfully communicating the intricacies of your tech also involves differentiating your product from competitors. After all, you know your tech has key features that outperform similar systems in the market, but without precise, concise and targeted messaging in a crowded industry, the features between different technology can blur. HR leaders must be able to easily identify why you stand out and a clear PR strategy can help you to define and refine your core messages.

2. Reinforce the human element

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the functionality of your HR tech - but in the end, it’s key goal is to help people. When explaining the intricacies of your software, it’s important to keep humans in the forefront.

A PR strategy with the perfect messaging will not only educate on the technical features of your tools but keep the values and beliefs of your company in mind. After all, you want to convince HR leaders that your proposition will not only benefit them practically but will easily slide into their company’s culture. 

This is why the style, formality, tone and context of your messages must be pitch perfect. Ensuring these factors match the personality and aims of your company allows you to connect with audiences on an emotional level, emphasising that HR tech is all about the people - theirs and yours.

3. Become known as a key player in a crowded market

There are currently more than 1,400 HR technology providers in the market and this number is set to increase. With so many choices for HR buyers, presenting your technology as a leading player can seem daunting.

HR tech leader presents ideas in front of peers.

But to successfully convince HR leaders to change their current systems using your product, you need to shine as an expert in your field and use your expertise to influence. Doing this requires tackling a few factors:

Getting involved in key conversations

Becoming prominent in key conversations allows you to present yourself as an industry authority which certainly gives you sway when persuading HR leaders of the necessity of your tech. But it’s vital to know where and how to participate in these conversations. 

For example, HR journalists want to hear information on topics regarding employee engagement, wellbeing, recruitment, benefits - you name it - and this a great way to contribute to industry discussions. To become involved, successfully pitching your ideas to journalists will promote your ideas and issues in the wider market.

You must also understand the unique value that only you can add to these conversations. Journalists hear a lot of general information - but truly understanding their needs and providing distinct insights will help define you as a key player whose ideas are held in high regard.

Forming influential relationships within the HR industry

Forming and utilising influential relationships in the industry is also great for confirming your place as a market leader. Since a third party that promotes your product or company is far more trusted than self-promotion, this is key to convincing others of your expertise and value.

HR industry specialists shake hands

Try getting in the good books of certain blog writers, key social media players or event organisers. Providing useful content for HR journalists is also important for forming good relationships with them - once they see you as an expert they may approach you specifically for your views.

This is why PR is useful here. If a PR strategist or agency understands your market well enough, they know how to get you involved in the right conversations with all the right people. 

4. Add extra credibility to your tech

Extra credibility you can add to your tech will also help with any problems concerning the crowded HR tech market. 

Winning awards provides you with extra exposure for your product as well as a recognition of your expertise within the industry. It’s also a positive way to emphasise that your abilities go above and beyond your competitors.

Award entries are often all about your customers’ work and the results they’ve achieved for their business and employees. To have your brand and tech highlighted alongside them is incredible kudos that can help build trust and recognition. They can make for very happy customers too. Evidently, a PR strategy that includes award entries will help you shine in the HR market.

If you want to understand how PR can specifically help your tech business, get in touch - we’re happy to help. Or, get your free PR audit with us and we’ll let you know just how strong your company is in the HR market right now.

Kay Phelps